Welcome to Ramble & Rust

This is our collective of stories, old Volkswagens, photography, travel, words, adventure and living life. It is a hub of our life passions and the work that we do. It is where we share our life’s stories and create community.

Why Ramble & Rust?

“Ramble” brings to mind visions of a journey with no map...with twists and turns, hills and valleys...simply for the purpose of enjoyment. Or maybe you imagine a rambling vine on an old stone house in the English countryside… an illustration of growth in a random, unsystematic way. 

Wander. Roam. Growth. TO RAMBLE.

For us, “Rust” contains the imagery of proof of a life intensely lived.  The dignity and beauty of the human experience and life’s fragility and limitations.  Rust is a symbol of the fading of the ego and gaining of age and wisdom. It brings to mind the metaphor of an old car.   It has been driven and lived in. It has stories to be told. It has developed a rich patina from the elements. Rust. Proof of a life well lived.

Follow our journey.