A Recap of VW Social Club, August 2022

The VW Social at Spring House Brewing Company was the fourth event for Ramble & Rust VW Club and we STILL go into the events a little nervous. Will any one show up? Will people enjoy themselves? Do we still need to stack the deck with our collective five VWs? And EVERY TIME we just shake our heads and smile at the outpouring of support in this little community we are building in Lancaster County.

We get the usual handful of regulars that have become friends, but there is always the new crowd from near and far. We are shocked by the buses in our our own backyard that we have never seen before… where exactly were you hiding?!?!?! And there are always the new Beetle owners that we love to welcome into the fold but at the same time wonder, “How did we miss that mint 58’ on Marketplace?!?! “…(so jealous, Brandon.) And it is always a good time with new stories and great people.

We lost count somewhere along the way, but there were a solid two dozen Buses, Vanagons and Beetles. The weather was perfect. The location was ideal. We will definitely be back! See you at the River Hills Roundup next month!


A Recap of Our Third River Hills Roundup at Sickman’s Mill


A Look at River Hills Roundup