Our First Dubs by the Dam was Soooo Good!

Thanks for everyone who joined us on Sunday for Dubs by the Dam. I’m gonna be honest…. we always get a little nervous to see if anyone will show up. Actually, our first event we stacked the deck with THREE of our own vehicles just so we didn’t look like complete losers when nobody showed up. And then we were SHOCKED when we had close to 30 VWs. Sunday was so good. It is always so fun to see who shows up and love that we get brand new groups of people at every event. We hope that everyone that came felt the way we did… it was a perfect way to gather the VW community. Twenty VWs. Low stress. We don’t care if your car is clean or trashed. We love the gathering of 20 year olds with 80 year olds and that community makes us fast friends. We are there for the stories and to make some memories. Thanks for coming and are excited to see who joins us next time. Everyone is welcome!


Lancaster VW Social at Spring House Brewery (Hazel Street) on 8/28/22!


Dubs by the Dam on Sunday,July 17th!