Our 1972 VW Bus, The One That Started It All.

This bus isn’t perfect, nor will it ever be. It pops out of fourth gear. After spending its former life painted as a bumble bee, it was spray painted with a rattle can complete with an antenna. It can barely be trusted to make the trip to the garage when the carburetor gets temperamental. But we dream while sitting inside that bus. Sitting in the bus in our garage with our wannabe bus dogs, we dream about where it will go. We plan the interior… the burlap coffee bags turned headliner, the tattoo-style roses on the door panels, and the velvet throw pillows chosen for reading sessions in the garage until it is ready for further voyages. And while it may not be where we ultimately dream of it being, it is enough for the time and for these moments.


The Secret to Adventure is Effort and Low Expectations


Our Norway Adventure