Welcome to Ramble & Rust

For those that have been along for the ride, Fakelife Clothing has held its presence in the Local and national music scene for over ten years. As time has passed, our demographic has grown up. The Fakelife kids of 2008 are now adults with different responsibilities, starting families, etc. It might be time for Fakelife to do some growing up.

We’ve been quiet lately, trying to figure out what comes next for us. Rebranding as a “NEW AND IMPROVED!” version of Fakelife seemed like altering who we are to chase dollars. Fakelife has never been about that. We want to continue to be more about chasing stories and sharing ours.

Consider Ramble and Rust the next generation of Fakelife, its roots still deep in the community, positivity and giving back. This evolution will include story, music, travel, words, living free-range, creative lives (and a bit about some rescued old VWs.)

We hope you’ll continue to join us on this journey. As always, we are not entirely sure where the road will lead. Will there be some branding? Of course, because who doesn’t love having a favorite tee. Will there be a charitable component? Again, we jump at ANY opportunity to support @ricebowls, even if we aren’t sure what that looks like.

Why Ramble & Rust? “Ramble” brings visions of a journey with no map...with twists and turns, hills and valleys...simply for enjoyment. Or maybe you imagine a rambling vine on an old stone house in the English countryside… an illustration of growth in a random, unsystematic way.

Wander. Roam. Growth. To Ramble.

For us, “Rust” contains the imagery of proof of a life intensely lived. The dignity and beauty of the human experience and life’s fragility and limitations. Rust symbolizes the fading of the ego and the gaining of age and wisdom. It brings to mind the metaphor of an old car. It has been driven and lived in. It has stories to be told. It has developed a rich patina from the elements. Rust. Proof of a life well lived.

Welcome to Ramble & Rust.


Our Norway Adventure