Coffee on a Saturday Morning

For any of you who were at Safe Harbor Park for Dubs by the Dam, you know the park…void of cell service, the meandering Conestoga River with friendly kayakers waving to picnickers on its banks, and the shade trees that hide the history of a village serving the families of those that worked at the Safe Harbor Iron Works, producing railroad rails for the Pennsylvania Railroad in the 1840s.

A mere 15 minutes from our house, it became "our" park during COVID. It became the place we went to when the world shut down, and park benches were off-limits with bold yellow caution tape and signs with the ominous green germ that threatened a certain death if you came near. It became our final destination on afternoon kayak trips where eagles and herons followed us downriver, and the sound of shallow rapids was a retreat from the barrage of bad news on the TV. We spent a COVID Easter here when the CDC declared extended family off-limits. We hauled tables, chairs, tablecloths, and a pathetic mason jar of flowers from the back of the bus. We grilled burgers, drank fizzy water out of plastic cups, and declared the day a holy day whether or not it included church.

Eventually, the tides changed, and the world found its feet, but still, we return regularly. On quiet Saturday mornings, we slide into our regular spot. Slider door open facing the river. A pot of tea made with the jet boil. Bed pulled out and books to be read. Creek stomping with an energetic pup. Friday night sushi followed by a cruise to watch the sunset over the Susquehanna.

There is an echo in our bones of the stillness and peace this place brought us in 2020. that keeps us coming back to the little park in our own backyard.


My 1966 VW Beetle, Sophia


Life’s Individuality